The Unbound Writers Attend LitFest 2016 in Denver

Clockwise: CS Peterson the Viking, Theodore McCombs in the black hat, Mark Springer in the cowboy hat, Christie Lips, fittingly, behind the lip-shaped glasses, Gemma Webster in the horse mask barely visible in the bottom right, and Lisa Mahoney behi…

Clockwise: CS Peterson the Viking, Theodore McCombs in the black hat, Mark Springer in the cowboy hat, Christie Lips, fittingly, behind the lip-shaped glasses, Gemma Webster in the horse mask barely visible in the bottom right, and Lisa Mahoney behind rectangles. June 2016. 

June is Lighthouse Writers Workshop LitFest time in Denver. The Unbound Writers went to parties, attended short courses, co-sponsored and moderated a panel called "The Resurrection of Dystopian Literature" and interviewed the fabulously talented Claire Vaye Waktins.

Much more about our thoughts on these events will follow in later blog posts, but until then, we hope you will enjoy some candids from our working vacation.


Literature on an Alternate Plane: Audio Speculative Fiction

The Unbound Writers read a lot of speculative fiction, but listening to it sometimes adds another layer of satisfaction. Here are some of our faves.

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Welcome to Fiction Unbound!

Fiction Unbound is a space to celebrate and explore great writing in speculative fiction. Do you like elves and aliens, but also good sentences? In this inaugural post, we, your faithful contributors, introduce ourselves and share examples of the variety of fiction you’ll be seeing a lot of round here.

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